قنوات منوعة عربية

ناشيونال جيوغرافيك للأطفال | Nat Geo Kids



قناة ناشيونال جيوغرافيك للأطفال | Nat Geo Kids


شاهد قناة ناشيونال غيوغرافيك للأطفال | Nat Geo Kids

National Geographic Kids


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هي قناة خاصة تبث بالمجان و متخصصة في مجال الافلام العربية بشكل عام و المصرية بشكل خاص و تبث علي مدار الساعة

قناة “ماجد” تبث برامج قناة “NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS”

Watch National geographic kids live – شاهد قناة ناشيونال جيوجرافيك كيدز بث مباشر


National Geographic Kids is the child-focused brand of National Geographic Partners. Nat Geo Kids inspires young adventurers to explore the world through award-winning magazines, books, apps, games, toys, videos, events, and a website, and is the only kids brand with a world-class scientific organization at its core. National Geographic Kids magazine (10 issues per year) and Little Kids magazine (six issues per year) are photo-driven publications and are available on newsstands or by subscription in print and on tablets.The award-winning website natgeokids.com excites kids about the planet through games, videos, contests, photos, quizzes and blogs about cultures, animals and destinations. National Geographic Kids Books is the leading nonfiction publisher with as many as 125 nonfiction titles each year, including the New York Times best-selling Kids Almanac. National Geographic Kids games and apps engage kids to learn through play, the online virtual animal world of Animal Jam and the Weird But True app being a few examples.

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