شاهد قناة كويست عربية تى فى – Watch Quest Arabiya channel live
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Quest Arabiya (Arabic: عربية Quest), a partnership between Abu Dhabi’s Image Nation and Discovery Communications, is a free-to-air, pan-Arab channel launched on December 7, 2015 across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). It is the region’s localised version of the Quest channel.
Focusing primarily on factual and reality based programming, Quest Arabiya broadcasts 24 hours a day, expected to reach an estimated 45 million households across 22 countries. The channel will have a broad appeal to a wide demographic of Arabic-speaking males and females while specifically targeting males 16+ at key times in the schedule.
Content from Discovery’s extensive library of internationally acclaimed factual entertainment shows have been dubbed to Arabic to ensure the channel appeals to as wide an audience as possible. Alongside this, Quest Arabiya will broadcast regionally produced, world-class original material focusing on stories relevant to the region.
Quest Arabiya aims to become the go-to platform for showcasing talent from across the region. The channel is committed to creating regionally produced original programming, fronted by regional talent. It will cover the following genres from launch: Extreme Outdoor, Turbo, Engineering, Nature & Wildlife, Science & Space and People & Places. There will also be programming focusing on crime and illusions.
كويست عربية (بالإنجليزية: Quest Arabia) هي ثمرة شراكة بين شركتي إيمج نيشن أبوظبي وقناة ديسكفري ناطقة باللغة العربية وانطلق بثها الذي يغطي منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا في 7 ديسمبر 2015.
تعرض كويست عربية في المقام الأول برامج مدبلجة لصالح قناة ديسكفري، وتُبث على مدار أربع وعشرين (24) ساعة لتصل إلى الوطن العربي بالكامل. وتستقطب القناة فئة واسعة من جيل الشباب الناطق باللغة العربية من الجنسين مع التركيز بشكل أكبر على فئة الذكور من عمر الستة عشر (16) عاماً فما فوق من خلال الأوقات المناسبة لهم.
Official Website